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Gondolier beauty parade.
Sea spray in the Grand Canal.
Nice carving.
Red paint with pipe.
So that's where my scissors went.
Glass factory coffee pot.
Knock knock ...
X marks the spot.
Love is all you need.
Ring my bell.
A brick square
Jerk in a box.
Sound of squeaking glass.1
50 is the new 23.
Death defying Czechs.
The campfire that changed the world ...

A school of bollards.
Airplane in puddle.
When signs are unnecessary.
Because 9 out of 10 owners prefer crack cocaine.
Waiting for the Royal Disco Boat.
Tony Blair wastes no time in starting his new career.
Mass tyre prison break.
Yellow bucket.
The Nanny State.
The BBC Outside Broadcast unit were here.
Keep it to the ground.
Latest Sunday lunch fashion.
New Post Office customer service initiative.
Breakfast at Smiths
No direction home.